Our team developed this report on what a National Seniors Strategy for Canada should entail using an evidence-based process and framework. We identify and address 14 specific policy issues under four overarching pillars or themes and are supported by five core principles essential to understanding the needs of Canada’s ageing population.
Our work was and continues to be iterative and has been released, updated and re-released publically through our website in evolving versions. Our intention is to allow this work to evolve until the issues we highlight are fully resolved.
The main goal of this work is to continue an evidence-based dialogue on a National Senior Strategy. One example of our work’s influence to date was the use of our four overarching pillars or themes as the basis of the Institute for Research on Public Policy’s (IRPP) critically acclaimed report entitled Designing a National Seniors Strategy for Canada.
We hope our work will reach a broad community of stakeholders and citizens through media dialogue on ageing, our website and social media campaigns. We encourage you to join the conversation at @NSS_NOW on Twitter.